How to Better Understand the Quran: Practical Tips for Effective Comprehension
How to Better Understand the Quran: Practical Tips for Effective Comprehension
How to Better Understand the Quran: Practical Tips for Effective Comprehension
How to Better Understand the Quran: Practical Tips for Effective Comprehension

How to Better Understand the Quran: Tips for Effective Comprehension

Allah is the best of the storytellers and that naturally makes Quran the most beautiful and inspiring book to exist.
But understanding the Quran can be a rather challenging task. The elite grammar and vocabulary used in the Quran is difficult to understand for current-day Arabs too, which all the more highlights the need for insightful resources to help us understand the beauty of the Quran.
So, if you are struggling to understand the Quran, don't worry, you are not alone. Many people find it challenging to comprehend the Quran, especially if they are not fluent in Arabic.
So, how can we better understand Quran and its message? How can we read it with more attention, reflection and appreciation?
In this blog, we will address exactly that and share some tips for effective comprehension of the Quran.
🌱 Tip 1- Read with context

The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, in response to various situations and events that occurred during the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions.
Therefore, reading the Quran with context can help us understand the historical, social and political background of each verse, and how it relates to the overall message of Islam. If read without appropriate context, many of the verses of the Quran may not make much sense to us.
The Quran's verses become clearer when you understand the context in which they were revealed.. Therefore, when you read the Quran with tafsir, it can help you understand the right context behind each verse, subsequently enhancing your overall comprehension of the holy verses.
You can use reliable sources to read the Quran with tafsir to learn more about the context of the Quran. Moreover, you can also go through the seerah (biography) and hadith to learn more about the context of the Quran.
It should however be noted that it is very important to use a reliable and reputable translation and tafsir that is based on authentic sources. We suggest you to try and compare different translations and tafsirs to get a broader perspective of the Quran and avoid any misunderstanding.
🌱 Tip 2- Learn some Arabic

The Quran was revealed in Arabic, and although there are many translations available in different languages, nothing can match the beauty, eloquence and depth of the original language.
Learning some basic Arabic can not only help you appreciate the linguistic beauty of the Quran, but also the meanings of some key words and phrases that are difficult to translate.
In addition to that, you should also keep in mind that the Quran is not just a book of information, in fact it's a book of transformation. Learning Arabic can help you feel the emotions each word from Allah carries.
Arabic is a very delicate and meticulous language. Hence, it is very difficult for translations in English or any other language to do justice to it, and help us understand the exact meaning of the ayahs.
Therefore, if you have some basic Arabic knowledge, you will be better able to sense Allah’s mercy, patience, and love when reading the verses, consequently aiding your overall comprehension of the Quran.
Keep in mind that you don't have to master the whole language, but knowing some grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation can make a big difference.
🌱 Tip 3- Reflect on the verses and apply them to your life

Another tip to better understand Quran is to not read it passively or superficially, but rather actively and deeply. You should not just merely read the words of the Quran, instead you should also reflect on their meanings and implications.
When you understand the meaning and reflect onto the verses, you can also subsequently try and apply them to your life and see how they relate to your personal circumstances, challenges and goals.
This is very important for us as Muslims in the current age, as the Quran is not just a holy book that we should wrap in a cloth and keep on the top shelf. It is a practical book that offers solutions for every problem, answers for every question, and guidance for every situation for each Muslim.
The ultimate goal of reading the Quran is not to merely recite its words or memorise its verses, but to also live by its teachings and follow its instructions. We need to keep in mind that the Quran is a book of guidance for all aspects of life, from personal to social and professional.
Therefore, by reflecting onto the verses and applying them to your life, you will not only be able to better understand Quran, but will also be able to benefit from it in the best possible manner.
🌱 Tip 4- Share with Others and Discuss

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
This hadith articulates the fact that Quran is not meant to be kept to ourselves, but also to be shared with others. The Quran is a mercy, a healing, a guidance and a glad tidings for all of humanity. It is a book that invites people to think, reflect and reason, and to seek the truth and the right path.
Therefore, we should share the Quran with others, by teaching it, explaining it, reciting it, writing about it, and also discussing it. Sharing and discussing the tafsir of the Surahs in gatherings will help us acquire a collective understanding and also gain fresh perspectives regarding the message of the Quran.
This will consequently help us understand Quran better since different interpretations that arise from group discussions can create a helpful learning environment that can help us better understand the wisdom of Quran and also apply its teachings more effectively to our lives.
🌱 Tip 5- Read with gratitude and appreciation

Allah reminds us in the Quran: "So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?" (Chapter 55, Verse 13). This ayah is an eternal encouragement for us to reflect on the countless blessings bestowed upon us by Allah, including the gift of the Quran.
We should appreciate the beauty, wisdom and power of the Quran, alongside the efforts and sacrifices of those who preserved, transmitted and taught the Quran throughout history to enable us to read the holy words today.
Therefore, in addition to reading the Quran with determination, you should also read it with gratitude. This is because the Quran is a great blessing and favour from Allah, and it is very important to truly comprehend that to better understand Quran.
By being grateful to Allah for giving us this opportunity and privilege, we will certainly put ourselves in the right headspace to better understand the message of the Quran.
Moreover, this attitude of gratitude will also allow you to integrate a sense of reverence and connection with each Ayah of Allah’s divine message.
🌱 Tip 6- Make sincere dua

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Let one of you ask his Lord for everything that he needs, even a lace for his shoe if it breaks.” (Muslim 2577)
So, when we have been directed to make dua even if our shoelace breaks, why should we not make dua to seek Allah’s help in better understanding the Quran?
One such beautiful dua to make for that cause can be using the words of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself: "O Allah! Benefit me with what You have taught me, and teach me what will benefit me, and increase me in knowledge." (Tirmidhi)
اللهم انفعني بما علمتني، وعلمني ما ينفعني، وزدني علماً
Another dua you can make is from the Quran itself: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge." [Ta-Ha: 114]
رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Are there any apps to help us better understand the Quran?
With the rise of digital technologies in different aspects of life, there has also been a rise in Quran apps. One such app is the highly interactive Quranly app, that aims to incorporate Quran into the daily lives of Muslims.

But can Quranly help you better understand Quran?
Absolutely! With its accurate word by word translations, Quranly provides users with a unique opportunity to dive into the meanings of the Quranic ayahs.
On top of that, the app's user-friendly interface, interactive features, and audio recitations make it a powerful tool for both beginners and advanced learners, to better understand the Quran's teachings.
The Quranly app is readily available on both iOS and Android platforms and is also completely free of charge. Furthermore, the app also does not include any frustrating ads which ensures a seamless and uninterrupted reading and comprehension of the Quran.

The Quran is a book that deserves our utmost attention, respect and devotion. It is a book that can transform our lives for the better if we read it with sincerity, understanding and reflection.
However, we also know that understanding the Quran is not an easy task. Even if the odds are in your favour and you speak basic Arabic, it can still be very challenging to comprehend the divine verses of the Quran.
And oh how unfortunate is someone who cannot truly understand what their Lord is trying to tell them? As we highlighted earlier, the Quran is not just a collection of words for Muslims, it is instead a guide, a source of wisdom, and a light to navigate through the complexities of life.
By following our tips on how to better understand the Quran, we can hope we can help you achieve a deeper comprehension of Allah’s message and subsequently develop a stronger connection with Him.
May Allah bless us with His guidance and make us among those who read His book regularly and benefit from it immensely!
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
How to Better Understand the Quran: Tips for Effective Comprehension

Allah is the best of the storytellers and that naturally makes Quran the most beautiful and inspiring book to exist.
But understanding the Quran can be a rather challenging task. The elite grammar and vocabulary used in the Quran is difficult to understand for current-day Arabs too, which all the more highlights the need for insightful resources to help us understand the beauty of the Quran.
So, if you are struggling to understand the Quran, don't worry, you are not alone. Many people find it challenging to comprehend the Quran, especially if they are not fluent in Arabic.
So, how can we better understand Quran and its message? How can we read it with more attention, reflection and appreciation?
In this blog, we will address exactly that and share some tips for effective comprehension of the Quran.
🌱 Tip 1- Read with context

The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, in response to various situations and events that occurred during the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions.
Therefore, reading the Quran with context can help us understand the historical, social and political background of each verse, and how it relates to the overall message of Islam. If read without appropriate context, many of the verses of the Quran may not make much sense to us.
The Quran's verses become clearer when you understand the context in which they were revealed.. Therefore, when you read the Quran with tafsir, it can help you understand the right context behind each verse, subsequently enhancing your overall comprehension of the holy verses.
You can use reliable sources to read the Quran with tafsir to learn more about the context of the Quran. Moreover, you can also go through the seerah (biography) and hadith to learn more about the context of the Quran.
It should however be noted that it is very important to use a reliable and reputable translation and tafsir that is based on authentic sources. We suggest you to try and compare different translations and tafsirs to get a broader perspective of the Quran and avoid any misunderstanding.
🌱 Tip 2- Learn some Arabic

The Quran was revealed in Arabic, and although there are many translations available in different languages, nothing can match the beauty, eloquence and depth of the original language.
Learning some basic Arabic can not only help you appreciate the linguistic beauty of the Quran, but also the meanings of some key words and phrases that are difficult to translate.
In addition to that, you should also keep in mind that the Quran is not just a book of information, in fact it's a book of transformation. Learning Arabic can help you feel the emotions each word from Allah carries.
Arabic is a very delicate and meticulous language. Hence, it is very difficult for translations in English or any other language to do justice to it, and help us understand the exact meaning of the ayahs.
Therefore, if you have some basic Arabic knowledge, you will be better able to sense Allah’s mercy, patience, and love when reading the verses, consequently aiding your overall comprehension of the Quran.
Keep in mind that you don't have to master the whole language, but knowing some grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation can make a big difference.
🌱 Tip 3- Reflect on the verses and apply them to your life

Another tip to better understand Quran is to not read it passively or superficially, but rather actively and deeply. You should not just merely read the words of the Quran, instead you should also reflect on their meanings and implications.
When you understand the meaning and reflect onto the verses, you can also subsequently try and apply them to your life and see how they relate to your personal circumstances, challenges and goals.
This is very important for us as Muslims in the current age, as the Quran is not just a holy book that we should wrap in a cloth and keep on the top shelf. It is a practical book that offers solutions for every problem, answers for every question, and guidance for every situation for each Muslim.
The ultimate goal of reading the Quran is not to merely recite its words or memorise its verses, but to also live by its teachings and follow its instructions. We need to keep in mind that the Quran is a book of guidance for all aspects of life, from personal to social and professional.
Therefore, by reflecting onto the verses and applying them to your life, you will not only be able to better understand Quran, but will also be able to benefit from it in the best possible manner.
🌱 Tip 4- Share with Others and Discuss

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
This hadith articulates the fact that Quran is not meant to be kept to ourselves, but also to be shared with others. The Quran is a mercy, a healing, a guidance and a glad tidings for all of humanity. It is a book that invites people to think, reflect and reason, and to seek the truth and the right path.
Therefore, we should share the Quran with others, by teaching it, explaining it, reciting it, writing about it, and also discussing it. Sharing and discussing the tafsir of the Surahs in gatherings will help us acquire a collective understanding and also gain fresh perspectives regarding the message of the Quran.
This will consequently help us understand Quran better since different interpretations that arise from group discussions can create a helpful learning environment that can help us better understand the wisdom of Quran and also apply its teachings more effectively to our lives.
🌱 Tip 5- Read with gratitude and appreciation

Allah reminds us in the Quran: "So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?" (Chapter 55, Verse 13). This ayah is an eternal encouragement for us to reflect on the countless blessings bestowed upon us by Allah, including the gift of the Quran.
We should appreciate the beauty, wisdom and power of the Quran, alongside the efforts and sacrifices of those who preserved, transmitted and taught the Quran throughout history to enable us to read the holy words today.
Therefore, in addition to reading the Quran with determination, you should also read it with gratitude. This is because the Quran is a great blessing and favour from Allah, and it is very important to truly comprehend that to better understand Quran.
By being grateful to Allah for giving us this opportunity and privilege, we will certainly put ourselves in the right headspace to better understand the message of the Quran.
Moreover, this attitude of gratitude will also allow you to integrate a sense of reverence and connection with each Ayah of Allah’s divine message.
🌱 Tip 6- Make sincere dua

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Let one of you ask his Lord for everything that he needs, even a lace for his shoe if it breaks.” (Muslim 2577)
So, when we have been directed to make dua even if our shoelace breaks, why should we not make dua to seek Allah’s help in better understanding the Quran?
One such beautiful dua to make for that cause can be using the words of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself: "O Allah! Benefit me with what You have taught me, and teach me what will benefit me, and increase me in knowledge." (Tirmidhi)
اللهم انفعني بما علمتني، وعلمني ما ينفعني، وزدني علماً
Another dua you can make is from the Quran itself: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge." [Ta-Ha: 114]
رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Are there any apps to help us better understand the Quran?
With the rise of digital technologies in different aspects of life, there has also been a rise in Quran apps. One such app is the highly interactive Quranly app, that aims to incorporate Quran into the daily lives of Muslims.

But can Quranly help you better understand Quran?
Absolutely! With its accurate word by word translations, Quranly provides users with a unique opportunity to dive into the meanings of the Quranic ayahs.
On top of that, the app's user-friendly interface, interactive features, and audio recitations make it a powerful tool for both beginners and advanced learners, to better understand the Quran's teachings.
The Quranly app is readily available on both iOS and Android platforms and is also completely free of charge. Furthermore, the app also does not include any frustrating ads which ensures a seamless and uninterrupted reading and comprehension of the Quran.

The Quran is a book that deserves our utmost attention, respect and devotion. It is a book that can transform our lives for the better if we read it with sincerity, understanding and reflection.
However, we also know that understanding the Quran is not an easy task. Even if the odds are in your favour and you speak basic Arabic, it can still be very challenging to comprehend the divine verses of the Quran.
And oh how unfortunate is someone who cannot truly understand what their Lord is trying to tell them? As we highlighted earlier, the Quran is not just a collection of words for Muslims, it is instead a guide, a source of wisdom, and a light to navigate through the complexities of life.
By following our tips on how to better understand the Quran, we can hope we can help you achieve a deeper comprehension of Allah’s message and subsequently develop a stronger connection with Him.
May Allah bless us with His guidance and make us among those who read His book regularly and benefit from it immensely!
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
How to Better Understand the Quran: Tips for Effective Comprehension

Allah is the best of the storytellers and that naturally makes Quran the most beautiful and inspiring book to exist.
But understanding the Quran can be a rather challenging task. The elite grammar and vocabulary used in the Quran is difficult to understand for current-day Arabs too, which all the more highlights the need for insightful resources to help us understand the beauty of the Quran.
So, if you are struggling to understand the Quran, don't worry, you are not alone. Many people find it challenging to comprehend the Quran, especially if they are not fluent in Arabic.
So, how can we better understand Quran and its message? How can we read it with more attention, reflection and appreciation?
In this blog, we will address exactly that and share some tips for effective comprehension of the Quran.
🌱 Tip 1- Read with context

The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, in response to various situations and events that occurred during the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions.
Therefore, reading the Quran with context can help us understand the historical, social and political background of each verse, and how it relates to the overall message of Islam. If read without appropriate context, many of the verses of the Quran may not make much sense to us.
The Quran's verses become clearer when you understand the context in which they were revealed.. Therefore, when you read the Quran with tafsir, it can help you understand the right context behind each verse, subsequently enhancing your overall comprehension of the holy verses.
You can use reliable sources to read the Quran with tafsir to learn more about the context of the Quran. Moreover, you can also go through the seerah (biography) and hadith to learn more about the context of the Quran.
It should however be noted that it is very important to use a reliable and reputable translation and tafsir that is based on authentic sources. We suggest you to try and compare different translations and tafsirs to get a broader perspective of the Quran and avoid any misunderstanding.
🌱 Tip 2- Learn some Arabic

The Quran was revealed in Arabic, and although there are many translations available in different languages, nothing can match the beauty, eloquence and depth of the original language.
Learning some basic Arabic can not only help you appreciate the linguistic beauty of the Quran, but also the meanings of some key words and phrases that are difficult to translate.
In addition to that, you should also keep in mind that the Quran is not just a book of information, in fact it's a book of transformation. Learning Arabic can help you feel the emotions each word from Allah carries.
Arabic is a very delicate and meticulous language. Hence, it is very difficult for translations in English or any other language to do justice to it, and help us understand the exact meaning of the ayahs.
Therefore, if you have some basic Arabic knowledge, you will be better able to sense Allah’s mercy, patience, and love when reading the verses, consequently aiding your overall comprehension of the Quran.
Keep in mind that you don't have to master the whole language, but knowing some grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation can make a big difference.
🌱 Tip 3- Reflect on the verses and apply them to your life

Another tip to better understand Quran is to not read it passively or superficially, but rather actively and deeply. You should not just merely read the words of the Quran, instead you should also reflect on their meanings and implications.
When you understand the meaning and reflect onto the verses, you can also subsequently try and apply them to your life and see how they relate to your personal circumstances, challenges and goals.
This is very important for us as Muslims in the current age, as the Quran is not just a holy book that we should wrap in a cloth and keep on the top shelf. It is a practical book that offers solutions for every problem, answers for every question, and guidance for every situation for each Muslim.
The ultimate goal of reading the Quran is not to merely recite its words or memorise its verses, but to also live by its teachings and follow its instructions. We need to keep in mind that the Quran is a book of guidance for all aspects of life, from personal to social and professional.
Therefore, by reflecting onto the verses and applying them to your life, you will not only be able to better understand Quran, but will also be able to benefit from it in the best possible manner.
🌱 Tip 4- Share with Others and Discuss

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
This hadith articulates the fact that Quran is not meant to be kept to ourselves, but also to be shared with others. The Quran is a mercy, a healing, a guidance and a glad tidings for all of humanity. It is a book that invites people to think, reflect and reason, and to seek the truth and the right path.
Therefore, we should share the Quran with others, by teaching it, explaining it, reciting it, writing about it, and also discussing it. Sharing and discussing the tafsir of the Surahs in gatherings will help us acquire a collective understanding and also gain fresh perspectives regarding the message of the Quran.
This will consequently help us understand Quran better since different interpretations that arise from group discussions can create a helpful learning environment that can help us better understand the wisdom of Quran and also apply its teachings more effectively to our lives.
🌱 Tip 5- Read with gratitude and appreciation

Allah reminds us in the Quran: "So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?" (Chapter 55, Verse 13). This ayah is an eternal encouragement for us to reflect on the countless blessings bestowed upon us by Allah, including the gift of the Quran.
We should appreciate the beauty, wisdom and power of the Quran, alongside the efforts and sacrifices of those who preserved, transmitted and taught the Quran throughout history to enable us to read the holy words today.
Therefore, in addition to reading the Quran with determination, you should also read it with gratitude. This is because the Quran is a great blessing and favour from Allah, and it is very important to truly comprehend that to better understand Quran.
By being grateful to Allah for giving us this opportunity and privilege, we will certainly put ourselves in the right headspace to better understand the message of the Quran.
Moreover, this attitude of gratitude will also allow you to integrate a sense of reverence and connection with each Ayah of Allah’s divine message.
🌱 Tip 6- Make sincere dua

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Let one of you ask his Lord for everything that he needs, even a lace for his shoe if it breaks.” (Muslim 2577)
So, when we have been directed to make dua even if our shoelace breaks, why should we not make dua to seek Allah’s help in better understanding the Quran?
One such beautiful dua to make for that cause can be using the words of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself: "O Allah! Benefit me with what You have taught me, and teach me what will benefit me, and increase me in knowledge." (Tirmidhi)
اللهم انفعني بما علمتني، وعلمني ما ينفعني، وزدني علماً
Another dua you can make is from the Quran itself: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge." [Ta-Ha: 114]
رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Are there any apps to help us better understand the Quran?
With the rise of digital technologies in different aspects of life, there has also been a rise in Quran apps. One such app is the highly interactive Quranly app, that aims to incorporate Quran into the daily lives of Muslims.

But can Quranly help you better understand Quran?
Absolutely! With its accurate word by word translations, Quranly provides users with a unique opportunity to dive into the meanings of the Quranic ayahs.
On top of that, the app's user-friendly interface, interactive features, and audio recitations make it a powerful tool for both beginners and advanced learners, to better understand the Quran's teachings.
The Quranly app is readily available on both iOS and Android platforms and is also completely free of charge. Furthermore, the app also does not include any frustrating ads which ensures a seamless and uninterrupted reading and comprehension of the Quran.

The Quran is a book that deserves our utmost attention, respect and devotion. It is a book that can transform our lives for the better if we read it with sincerity, understanding and reflection.
However, we also know that understanding the Quran is not an easy task. Even if the odds are in your favour and you speak basic Arabic, it can still be very challenging to comprehend the divine verses of the Quran.
And oh how unfortunate is someone who cannot truly understand what their Lord is trying to tell them? As we highlighted earlier, the Quran is not just a collection of words for Muslims, it is instead a guide, a source of wisdom, and a light to navigate through the complexities of life.
By following our tips on how to better understand the Quran, we can hope we can help you achieve a deeper comprehension of Allah’s message and subsequently develop a stronger connection with Him.
May Allah bless us with His guidance and make us among those who read His book regularly and benefit from it immensely!
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
How to Better Understand the Quran: Tips for Effective Comprehension

Allah is the best of the storytellers and that naturally makes Quran the most beautiful and inspiring book to exist.
But understanding the Quran can be a rather challenging task. The elite grammar and vocabulary used in the Quran is difficult to understand for current-day Arabs too, which all the more highlights the need for insightful resources to help us understand the beauty of the Quran.
So, if you are struggling to understand the Quran, don't worry, you are not alone. Many people find it challenging to comprehend the Quran, especially if they are not fluent in Arabic.
So, how can we better understand Quran and its message? How can we read it with more attention, reflection and appreciation?
In this blog, we will address exactly that and share some tips for effective comprehension of the Quran.
🌱 Tip 1- Read with context

The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, in response to various situations and events that occurred during the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions.
Therefore, reading the Quran with context can help us understand the historical, social and political background of each verse, and how it relates to the overall message of Islam. If read without appropriate context, many of the verses of the Quran may not make much sense to us.
The Quran's verses become clearer when you understand the context in which they were revealed.. Therefore, when you read the Quran with tafsir, it can help you understand the right context behind each verse, subsequently enhancing your overall comprehension of the holy verses.
You can use reliable sources to read the Quran with tafsir to learn more about the context of the Quran. Moreover, you can also go through the seerah (biography) and hadith to learn more about the context of the Quran.
It should however be noted that it is very important to use a reliable and reputable translation and tafsir that is based on authentic sources. We suggest you to try and compare different translations and tafsirs to get a broader perspective of the Quran and avoid any misunderstanding.
🌱 Tip 2- Learn some Arabic

The Quran was revealed in Arabic, and although there are many translations available in different languages, nothing can match the beauty, eloquence and depth of the original language.
Learning some basic Arabic can not only help you appreciate the linguistic beauty of the Quran, but also the meanings of some key words and phrases that are difficult to translate.
In addition to that, you should also keep in mind that the Quran is not just a book of information, in fact it's a book of transformation. Learning Arabic can help you feel the emotions each word from Allah carries.
Arabic is a very delicate and meticulous language. Hence, it is very difficult for translations in English or any other language to do justice to it, and help us understand the exact meaning of the ayahs.
Therefore, if you have some basic Arabic knowledge, you will be better able to sense Allah’s mercy, patience, and love when reading the verses, consequently aiding your overall comprehension of the Quran.
Keep in mind that you don't have to master the whole language, but knowing some grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation can make a big difference.
🌱 Tip 3- Reflect on the verses and apply them to your life

Another tip to better understand Quran is to not read it passively or superficially, but rather actively and deeply. You should not just merely read the words of the Quran, instead you should also reflect on their meanings and implications.
When you understand the meaning and reflect onto the verses, you can also subsequently try and apply them to your life and see how they relate to your personal circumstances, challenges and goals.
This is very important for us as Muslims in the current age, as the Quran is not just a holy book that we should wrap in a cloth and keep on the top shelf. It is a practical book that offers solutions for every problem, answers for every question, and guidance for every situation for each Muslim.
The ultimate goal of reading the Quran is not to merely recite its words or memorise its verses, but to also live by its teachings and follow its instructions. We need to keep in mind that the Quran is a book of guidance for all aspects of life, from personal to social and professional.
Therefore, by reflecting onto the verses and applying them to your life, you will not only be able to better understand Quran, but will also be able to benefit from it in the best possible manner.
🌱 Tip 4- Share with Others and Discuss

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
This hadith articulates the fact that Quran is not meant to be kept to ourselves, but also to be shared with others. The Quran is a mercy, a healing, a guidance and a glad tidings for all of humanity. It is a book that invites people to think, reflect and reason, and to seek the truth and the right path.
Therefore, we should share the Quran with others, by teaching it, explaining it, reciting it, writing about it, and also discussing it. Sharing and discussing the tafsir of the Surahs in gatherings will help us acquire a collective understanding and also gain fresh perspectives regarding the message of the Quran.
This will consequently help us understand Quran better since different interpretations that arise from group discussions can create a helpful learning environment that can help us better understand the wisdom of Quran and also apply its teachings more effectively to our lives.
🌱 Tip 5- Read with gratitude and appreciation

Allah reminds us in the Quran: "So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?" (Chapter 55, Verse 13). This ayah is an eternal encouragement for us to reflect on the countless blessings bestowed upon us by Allah, including the gift of the Quran.
We should appreciate the beauty, wisdom and power of the Quran, alongside the efforts and sacrifices of those who preserved, transmitted and taught the Quran throughout history to enable us to read the holy words today.
Therefore, in addition to reading the Quran with determination, you should also read it with gratitude. This is because the Quran is a great blessing and favour from Allah, and it is very important to truly comprehend that to better understand Quran.
By being grateful to Allah for giving us this opportunity and privilege, we will certainly put ourselves in the right headspace to better understand the message of the Quran.
Moreover, this attitude of gratitude will also allow you to integrate a sense of reverence and connection with each Ayah of Allah’s divine message.
🌱 Tip 6- Make sincere dua

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Let one of you ask his Lord for everything that he needs, even a lace for his shoe if it breaks.” (Muslim 2577)
So, when we have been directed to make dua even if our shoelace breaks, why should we not make dua to seek Allah’s help in better understanding the Quran?
One such beautiful dua to make for that cause can be using the words of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself: "O Allah! Benefit me with what You have taught me, and teach me what will benefit me, and increase me in knowledge." (Tirmidhi)
اللهم انفعني بما علمتني، وعلمني ما ينفعني، وزدني علماً
Another dua you can make is from the Quran itself: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge." [Ta-Ha: 114]
رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Are there any apps to help us better understand the Quran?
With the rise of digital technologies in different aspects of life, there has also been a rise in Quran apps. One such app is the highly interactive Quranly app, that aims to incorporate Quran into the daily lives of Muslims.

But can Quranly help you better understand Quran?
Absolutely! With its accurate word by word translations, Quranly provides users with a unique opportunity to dive into the meanings of the Quranic ayahs.
On top of that, the app's user-friendly interface, interactive features, and audio recitations make it a powerful tool for both beginners and advanced learners, to better understand the Quran's teachings.
The Quranly app is readily available on both iOS and Android platforms and is also completely free of charge. Furthermore, the app also does not include any frustrating ads which ensures a seamless and uninterrupted reading and comprehension of the Quran.

The Quran is a book that deserves our utmost attention, respect and devotion. It is a book that can transform our lives for the better if we read it with sincerity, understanding and reflection.
However, we also know that understanding the Quran is not an easy task. Even if the odds are in your favour and you speak basic Arabic, it can still be very challenging to comprehend the divine verses of the Quran.
And oh how unfortunate is someone who cannot truly understand what their Lord is trying to tell them? As we highlighted earlier, the Quran is not just a collection of words for Muslims, it is instead a guide, a source of wisdom, and a light to navigate through the complexities of life.
By following our tips on how to better understand the Quran, we can hope we can help you achieve a deeper comprehension of Allah’s message and subsequently develop a stronger connection with Him.
May Allah bless us with His guidance and make us among those who read His book regularly and benefit from it immensely!
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
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