The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time: Enhancing Spiritual Connection
The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time: Enhancing Spiritual Connection
The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time: Enhancing Spiritual Connection
The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time: Enhancing Spiritual Connection

The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time
We all know how important Salah is. It is one of the five integral pillars of Islam and according to many reports, it is the most important act of worship.
And there are many good reasons for it.
Salah is a direct connection between you and Allah. So, when you pray Salah on time, you are submitting to Allah's will and are also obeying His direct command for you.
Such a beautiful act of worship and obedience must have great rewards too, more so if we pray on time. If you’re wondering what the benefits and rewards of praying Salah on time are, keep scrolling to find out some of the most amazing rewards and blessings that Allah has promised for those who pray on time.
1. Increased Likelihood of Prayers Getting Accepted

Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was asked "Which deed is the dearest to Allah?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." (Sahih al-Bukhari 527)
This hadith highlights how important praying Salah on time is, and how great its benefits are. When we pray on time, we align ourselves with the divine schedule set by Allah. It's a gesture of respect and commitment that will never go unnoticed.
Therefore, for this particular reason among many others, the punctuality in Salah is often associated with the increased likelihood of our prayers being accepted.
2. Teaches Self-Control

Salah requires us to put aside our desires and inclinations, to stand before Allah in humility and submission. This act of self-control when practised regularly can significantly strengthen our willpower and enable us to resist temptations and make better choices in our daily lives.
Moreover, the act of Salah demands our full attention, requiring us to set aside our worldly concerns and focus solely on our connection with Allah. This practice of focusing our thoughts and intentions trains our minds to be more present and less prone to distractions.
As we cultivate focus and control to make time for Salah daily, it can also naturally spill over into other aspects of our lives, enhancing our self-control and disciplinary abilities.
3. Forgiveness of Sins

Each Salah is an opportunity for forgiveness. By praying on time, we're essentially opening up frequent moments throughout our day to seek forgiveness
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “He who performs ablution for Salah and performs it well, his sins will fall off from his body, even from under his fingernails.” (Muslim)
Now how can we perform our Salah well? By approaching it with sincerity without any rush, planning for it ahead of time, and performing each of the 5 obligatory prayers at the earliest prescribed time, adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Furthermore, it is also reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "The five daily prayers and the Friday prayer until the Friday prayer are expiation for what is between them." (Muslim)
These hadiths and many others tell us that the five daily prayers and the Friday prayer erase the sins that we commit between them as long as we avoid major sins. This means that if we pray on time, without missing or delaying any prayer, we will be forgiven for our minor sins that we do during the day or night.
Hence, praying Salah on time is like having a scheduled laundry for our sins, washing all the negatives away and keeping our spiritual slate clean.
4. Validation of Other Deeds

Another benefit of praying Salah on time is that it validates our other deeds and makes them acceptable to Allah. This is because praying on time is one of the pillars of Islam and the foundation of faith. If we continue failing to observe Salah, none of our other deeds really matter as much. However, if we do consistently pray Salah on time, the benefits are massive.
It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad" (Recorded and authenticated by al-Albani).
We can make our Salah sound by treating it with due respect by praying it at the earliest prescribed time, and also not hurrying to just tick it off our to-do list. When we’re performing Salah, we’re standing in front of our Creator, which demands us to be fully present, both in body and spirit.
This suggests that Salah not only helps to erase our sins, but also serves to validate our other deeds. This hadith is a stark reminder of how important Salah is and why it is so important to pray the 5 obligatory prayers on time. In addition to that, it is also a reminder of how gracious and beneficial are the rewards of observing Salah on time.
5. Helps Structure Your Day

Praying salah five times a day creates a regular pattern for our day, breaking it up into manageable chunks, which can help us avoid procrastination and make the most of our time.
Moreover, the act of prayer such as standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting requires us to be present in the moment and focus on our connection with Allah. This mindfulness can carry over into other aspects of our lives, helping us to be more aware of our actions and not be lazy.
Furthermore, the Salah also provides us an opportunity for rest, recharge, and refocus throughout the day. This can help us to avoid burnout and maintain our productivity in the busy chaotic lives that many of us have.
What Does Quran Say About Praying on Time?

The Quran is and will always be the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims. The Quran too contains many ayats that emphasize upon the importance and benefits of praying on time.
"Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times" (Quran 4:103). This ayat clarifies the establishment of specific times for specific prayers.
In addition to that, Allah also says in the Quran "Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind)" (Quran 2:238). This ayat highlights the importance of prayers and being devout with them, which naturally includes praying on time.
Moreover, there is also a strict emphasis on the middle prayer, which is the Asr prayer. Hence, we should pay special attention to pray the Asr prayer on time to please Allah.
Furthermore, Allah also says "And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember" (Quran 11:114). This again validates the timings of Salah and the fact that praying Salah on time washes away our sins.
Lastly, Allah also asks us to treat Salah as our guidance. He says, "O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient" (Quran 2:153). This is another significant benefit of praying Salah on time, as there is nothing more beneficial than having Allah’s guidance by our side.
How to Start Praying Salah on Time?

Here are some tips to help you start praying Salah on time consistently:
Tip 1- Use a Prayer App
In the age of smartphones, why not use a smartphone app to help you improve your Salah? There are many prayer apps on the market that you can use to track your prayers and remind yourself to pray on time everyday. One such app is Prayerly, which is a tried and tested app particularly designed to help Muslims be more consistent with their Salah.
Tip 2- Plan ahead
Plan ahead by knowing the prayer times for your location each day. Use a prayer timetable or a prayer app that notifies you of the prayer times. Set alarms a few minutes before each Salah to give yourself ample time to prepare and perform ablution, ensuring that you are ready when the prescribed time for each prayer begins.
Tip 3- Make dua
Ask Allah to help you pray Salah on time and with sincerity. Allah is the most Merciful and Forgiving, and He is always willing to help those who turn to Him in need.

Praying Salah on time is a duty, a privilege and a blessing for Muslims. It has many benefits for us both in this life and the hereafter.
It increases our chances of having our prayers accepted, guarantees us a house in paradise, erases our sins, improves our health and well-being, validates our other deeds and brings us closer to Allah.
Some of the key benefits of praying Salah on time practically highlight how observing Salah on time is not something that Allah needs from us, it is something we as His creation need for our well-being.
Therefore, it is in all of our best interests to always prioritize striving to pray on time with sincerity, concentration and devotion to enjoy its countless benefits both in this world and the next. This is why you should make sure to pray Salah on time, even if you are busy or feeling tired.
Remember, Allah is always with you, and He is always willing to forgive you. So, never give up as it’s still not too late to start praying Salah on time and reap its benefits.
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time
We all know how important Salah is. It is one of the five integral pillars of Islam and according to many reports, it is the most important act of worship.
And there are many good reasons for it.
Salah is a direct connection between you and Allah. So, when you pray Salah on time, you are submitting to Allah's will and are also obeying His direct command for you.
Such a beautiful act of worship and obedience must have great rewards too, more so if we pray on time. If you’re wondering what the benefits and rewards of praying Salah on time are, keep scrolling to find out some of the most amazing rewards and blessings that Allah has promised for those who pray on time.
1. Increased Likelihood of Prayers Getting Accepted

Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was asked "Which deed is the dearest to Allah?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." (Sahih al-Bukhari 527)
This hadith highlights how important praying Salah on time is, and how great its benefits are. When we pray on time, we align ourselves with the divine schedule set by Allah. It's a gesture of respect and commitment that will never go unnoticed.
Therefore, for this particular reason among many others, the punctuality in Salah is often associated with the increased likelihood of our prayers being accepted.
2. Teaches Self-Control

Salah requires us to put aside our desires and inclinations, to stand before Allah in humility and submission. This act of self-control when practised regularly can significantly strengthen our willpower and enable us to resist temptations and make better choices in our daily lives.
Moreover, the act of Salah demands our full attention, requiring us to set aside our worldly concerns and focus solely on our connection with Allah. This practice of focusing our thoughts and intentions trains our minds to be more present and less prone to distractions.
As we cultivate focus and control to make time for Salah daily, it can also naturally spill over into other aspects of our lives, enhancing our self-control and disciplinary abilities.
3. Forgiveness of Sins

Each Salah is an opportunity for forgiveness. By praying on time, we're essentially opening up frequent moments throughout our day to seek forgiveness
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “He who performs ablution for Salah and performs it well, his sins will fall off from his body, even from under his fingernails.” (Muslim)
Now how can we perform our Salah well? By approaching it with sincerity without any rush, planning for it ahead of time, and performing each of the 5 obligatory prayers at the earliest prescribed time, adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Furthermore, it is also reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "The five daily prayers and the Friday prayer until the Friday prayer are expiation for what is between them." (Muslim)
These hadiths and many others tell us that the five daily prayers and the Friday prayer erase the sins that we commit between them as long as we avoid major sins. This means that if we pray on time, without missing or delaying any prayer, we will be forgiven for our minor sins that we do during the day or night.
Hence, praying Salah on time is like having a scheduled laundry for our sins, washing all the negatives away and keeping our spiritual slate clean.
4. Validation of Other Deeds

Another benefit of praying Salah on time is that it validates our other deeds and makes them acceptable to Allah. This is because praying on time is one of the pillars of Islam and the foundation of faith. If we continue failing to observe Salah, none of our other deeds really matter as much. However, if we do consistently pray Salah on time, the benefits are massive.
It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad" (Recorded and authenticated by al-Albani).
We can make our Salah sound by treating it with due respect by praying it at the earliest prescribed time, and also not hurrying to just tick it off our to-do list. When we’re performing Salah, we’re standing in front of our Creator, which demands us to be fully present, both in body and spirit.
This suggests that Salah not only helps to erase our sins, but also serves to validate our other deeds. This hadith is a stark reminder of how important Salah is and why it is so important to pray the 5 obligatory prayers on time. In addition to that, it is also a reminder of how gracious and beneficial are the rewards of observing Salah on time.
5. Helps Structure Your Day

Praying salah five times a day creates a regular pattern for our day, breaking it up into manageable chunks, which can help us avoid procrastination and make the most of our time.
Moreover, the act of prayer such as standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting requires us to be present in the moment and focus on our connection with Allah. This mindfulness can carry over into other aspects of our lives, helping us to be more aware of our actions and not be lazy.
Furthermore, the Salah also provides us an opportunity for rest, recharge, and refocus throughout the day. This can help us to avoid burnout and maintain our productivity in the busy chaotic lives that many of us have.
What Does Quran Say About Praying on Time?

The Quran is and will always be the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims. The Quran too contains many ayats that emphasize upon the importance and benefits of praying on time.
"Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times" (Quran 4:103). This ayat clarifies the establishment of specific times for specific prayers.
In addition to that, Allah also says in the Quran "Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind)" (Quran 2:238). This ayat highlights the importance of prayers and being devout with them, which naturally includes praying on time.
Moreover, there is also a strict emphasis on the middle prayer, which is the Asr prayer. Hence, we should pay special attention to pray the Asr prayer on time to please Allah.
Furthermore, Allah also says "And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember" (Quran 11:114). This again validates the timings of Salah and the fact that praying Salah on time washes away our sins.
Lastly, Allah also asks us to treat Salah as our guidance. He says, "O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient" (Quran 2:153). This is another significant benefit of praying Salah on time, as there is nothing more beneficial than having Allah’s guidance by our side.
How to Start Praying Salah on Time?

Here are some tips to help you start praying Salah on time consistently:
Tip 1- Use a Prayer App
In the age of smartphones, why not use a smartphone app to help you improve your Salah? There are many prayer apps on the market that you can use to track your prayers and remind yourself to pray on time everyday. One such app is Prayerly, which is a tried and tested app particularly designed to help Muslims be more consistent with their Salah.
Tip 2- Plan ahead
Plan ahead by knowing the prayer times for your location each day. Use a prayer timetable or a prayer app that notifies you of the prayer times. Set alarms a few minutes before each Salah to give yourself ample time to prepare and perform ablution, ensuring that you are ready when the prescribed time for each prayer begins.
Tip 3- Make dua
Ask Allah to help you pray Salah on time and with sincerity. Allah is the most Merciful and Forgiving, and He is always willing to help those who turn to Him in need.

Praying Salah on time is a duty, a privilege and a blessing for Muslims. It has many benefits for us both in this life and the hereafter.
It increases our chances of having our prayers accepted, guarantees us a house in paradise, erases our sins, improves our health and well-being, validates our other deeds and brings us closer to Allah.
Some of the key benefits of praying Salah on time practically highlight how observing Salah on time is not something that Allah needs from us, it is something we as His creation need for our well-being.
Therefore, it is in all of our best interests to always prioritize striving to pray on time with sincerity, concentration and devotion to enjoy its countless benefits both in this world and the next. This is why you should make sure to pray Salah on time, even if you are busy or feeling tired.
Remember, Allah is always with you, and He is always willing to forgive you. So, never give up as it’s still not too late to start praying Salah on time and reap its benefits.
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time
We all know how important Salah is. It is one of the five integral pillars of Islam and according to many reports, it is the most important act of worship.
And there are many good reasons for it.
Salah is a direct connection between you and Allah. So, when you pray Salah on time, you are submitting to Allah's will and are also obeying His direct command for you.
Such a beautiful act of worship and obedience must have great rewards too, more so if we pray on time. If you’re wondering what the benefits and rewards of praying Salah on time are, keep scrolling to find out some of the most amazing rewards and blessings that Allah has promised for those who pray on time.
1. Increased Likelihood of Prayers Getting Accepted

Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was asked "Which deed is the dearest to Allah?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." (Sahih al-Bukhari 527)
This hadith highlights how important praying Salah on time is, and how great its benefits are. When we pray on time, we align ourselves with the divine schedule set by Allah. It's a gesture of respect and commitment that will never go unnoticed.
Therefore, for this particular reason among many others, the punctuality in Salah is often associated with the increased likelihood of our prayers being accepted.
2. Teaches Self-Control

Salah requires us to put aside our desires and inclinations, to stand before Allah in humility and submission. This act of self-control when practised regularly can significantly strengthen our willpower and enable us to resist temptations and make better choices in our daily lives.
Moreover, the act of Salah demands our full attention, requiring us to set aside our worldly concerns and focus solely on our connection with Allah. This practice of focusing our thoughts and intentions trains our minds to be more present and less prone to distractions.
As we cultivate focus and control to make time for Salah daily, it can also naturally spill over into other aspects of our lives, enhancing our self-control and disciplinary abilities.
3. Forgiveness of Sins

Each Salah is an opportunity for forgiveness. By praying on time, we're essentially opening up frequent moments throughout our day to seek forgiveness
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “He who performs ablution for Salah and performs it well, his sins will fall off from his body, even from under his fingernails.” (Muslim)
Now how can we perform our Salah well? By approaching it with sincerity without any rush, planning for it ahead of time, and performing each of the 5 obligatory prayers at the earliest prescribed time, adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Furthermore, it is also reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "The five daily prayers and the Friday prayer until the Friday prayer are expiation for what is between them." (Muslim)
These hadiths and many others tell us that the five daily prayers and the Friday prayer erase the sins that we commit between them as long as we avoid major sins. This means that if we pray on time, without missing or delaying any prayer, we will be forgiven for our minor sins that we do during the day or night.
Hence, praying Salah on time is like having a scheduled laundry for our sins, washing all the negatives away and keeping our spiritual slate clean.
4. Validation of Other Deeds

Another benefit of praying Salah on time is that it validates our other deeds and makes them acceptable to Allah. This is because praying on time is one of the pillars of Islam and the foundation of faith. If we continue failing to observe Salah, none of our other deeds really matter as much. However, if we do consistently pray Salah on time, the benefits are massive.
It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad" (Recorded and authenticated by al-Albani).
We can make our Salah sound by treating it with due respect by praying it at the earliest prescribed time, and also not hurrying to just tick it off our to-do list. When we’re performing Salah, we’re standing in front of our Creator, which demands us to be fully present, both in body and spirit.
This suggests that Salah not only helps to erase our sins, but also serves to validate our other deeds. This hadith is a stark reminder of how important Salah is and why it is so important to pray the 5 obligatory prayers on time. In addition to that, it is also a reminder of how gracious and beneficial are the rewards of observing Salah on time.
5. Helps Structure Your Day

Praying salah five times a day creates a regular pattern for our day, breaking it up into manageable chunks, which can help us avoid procrastination and make the most of our time.
Moreover, the act of prayer such as standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting requires us to be present in the moment and focus on our connection with Allah. This mindfulness can carry over into other aspects of our lives, helping us to be more aware of our actions and not be lazy.
Furthermore, the Salah also provides us an opportunity for rest, recharge, and refocus throughout the day. This can help us to avoid burnout and maintain our productivity in the busy chaotic lives that many of us have.
What Does Quran Say About Praying on Time?

The Quran is and will always be the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims. The Quran too contains many ayats that emphasize upon the importance and benefits of praying on time.
"Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times" (Quran 4:103). This ayat clarifies the establishment of specific times for specific prayers.
In addition to that, Allah also says in the Quran "Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind)" (Quran 2:238). This ayat highlights the importance of prayers and being devout with them, which naturally includes praying on time.
Moreover, there is also a strict emphasis on the middle prayer, which is the Asr prayer. Hence, we should pay special attention to pray the Asr prayer on time to please Allah.
Furthermore, Allah also says "And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember" (Quran 11:114). This again validates the timings of Salah and the fact that praying Salah on time washes away our sins.
Lastly, Allah also asks us to treat Salah as our guidance. He says, "O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient" (Quran 2:153). This is another significant benefit of praying Salah on time, as there is nothing more beneficial than having Allah’s guidance by our side.
How to Start Praying Salah on Time?

Here are some tips to help you start praying Salah on time consistently:
Tip 1- Use a Prayer App
In the age of smartphones, why not use a smartphone app to help you improve your Salah? There are many prayer apps on the market that you can use to track your prayers and remind yourself to pray on time everyday. One such app is Prayerly, which is a tried and tested app particularly designed to help Muslims be more consistent with their Salah.
Tip 2- Plan ahead
Plan ahead by knowing the prayer times for your location each day. Use a prayer timetable or a prayer app that notifies you of the prayer times. Set alarms a few minutes before each Salah to give yourself ample time to prepare and perform ablution, ensuring that you are ready when the prescribed time for each prayer begins.
Tip 3- Make dua
Ask Allah to help you pray Salah on time and with sincerity. Allah is the most Merciful and Forgiving, and He is always willing to help those who turn to Him in need.

Praying Salah on time is a duty, a privilege and a blessing for Muslims. It has many benefits for us both in this life and the hereafter.
It increases our chances of having our prayers accepted, guarantees us a house in paradise, erases our sins, improves our health and well-being, validates our other deeds and brings us closer to Allah.
Some of the key benefits of praying Salah on time practically highlight how observing Salah on time is not something that Allah needs from us, it is something we as His creation need for our well-being.
Therefore, it is in all of our best interests to always prioritize striving to pray on time with sincerity, concentration and devotion to enjoy its countless benefits both in this world and the next. This is why you should make sure to pray Salah on time, even if you are busy or feeling tired.
Remember, Allah is always with you, and He is always willing to forgive you. So, never give up as it’s still not too late to start praying Salah on time and reap its benefits.
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
The Benefits of Praying Salah on Time
We all know how important Salah is. It is one of the five integral pillars of Islam and according to many reports, it is the most important act of worship.
And there are many good reasons for it.
Salah is a direct connection between you and Allah. So, when you pray Salah on time, you are submitting to Allah's will and are also obeying His direct command for you.
Such a beautiful act of worship and obedience must have great rewards too, more so if we pray on time. If you’re wondering what the benefits and rewards of praying Salah on time are, keep scrolling to find out some of the most amazing rewards and blessings that Allah has promised for those who pray on time.
1. Increased Likelihood of Prayers Getting Accepted

Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was asked "Which deed is the dearest to Allah?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." (Sahih al-Bukhari 527)
This hadith highlights how important praying Salah on time is, and how great its benefits are. When we pray on time, we align ourselves with the divine schedule set by Allah. It's a gesture of respect and commitment that will never go unnoticed.
Therefore, for this particular reason among many others, the punctuality in Salah is often associated with the increased likelihood of our prayers being accepted.
2. Teaches Self-Control

Salah requires us to put aside our desires and inclinations, to stand before Allah in humility and submission. This act of self-control when practised regularly can significantly strengthen our willpower and enable us to resist temptations and make better choices in our daily lives.
Moreover, the act of Salah demands our full attention, requiring us to set aside our worldly concerns and focus solely on our connection with Allah. This practice of focusing our thoughts and intentions trains our minds to be more present and less prone to distractions.
As we cultivate focus and control to make time for Salah daily, it can also naturally spill over into other aspects of our lives, enhancing our self-control and disciplinary abilities.
3. Forgiveness of Sins

Each Salah is an opportunity for forgiveness. By praying on time, we're essentially opening up frequent moments throughout our day to seek forgiveness
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “He who performs ablution for Salah and performs it well, his sins will fall off from his body, even from under his fingernails.” (Muslim)
Now how can we perform our Salah well? By approaching it with sincerity without any rush, planning for it ahead of time, and performing each of the 5 obligatory prayers at the earliest prescribed time, adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Furthermore, it is also reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "The five daily prayers and the Friday prayer until the Friday prayer are expiation for what is between them." (Muslim)
These hadiths and many others tell us that the five daily prayers and the Friday prayer erase the sins that we commit between them as long as we avoid major sins. This means that if we pray on time, without missing or delaying any prayer, we will be forgiven for our minor sins that we do during the day or night.
Hence, praying Salah on time is like having a scheduled laundry for our sins, washing all the negatives away and keeping our spiritual slate clean.
4. Validation of Other Deeds

Another benefit of praying Salah on time is that it validates our other deeds and makes them acceptable to Allah. This is because praying on time is one of the pillars of Islam and the foundation of faith. If we continue failing to observe Salah, none of our other deeds really matter as much. However, if we do consistently pray Salah on time, the benefits are massive.
It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad" (Recorded and authenticated by al-Albani).
We can make our Salah sound by treating it with due respect by praying it at the earliest prescribed time, and also not hurrying to just tick it off our to-do list. When we’re performing Salah, we’re standing in front of our Creator, which demands us to be fully present, both in body and spirit.
This suggests that Salah not only helps to erase our sins, but also serves to validate our other deeds. This hadith is a stark reminder of how important Salah is and why it is so important to pray the 5 obligatory prayers on time. In addition to that, it is also a reminder of how gracious and beneficial are the rewards of observing Salah on time.
5. Helps Structure Your Day

Praying salah five times a day creates a regular pattern for our day, breaking it up into manageable chunks, which can help us avoid procrastination and make the most of our time.
Moreover, the act of prayer such as standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting requires us to be present in the moment and focus on our connection with Allah. This mindfulness can carry over into other aspects of our lives, helping us to be more aware of our actions and not be lazy.
Furthermore, the Salah also provides us an opportunity for rest, recharge, and refocus throughout the day. This can help us to avoid burnout and maintain our productivity in the busy chaotic lives that many of us have.
What Does Quran Say About Praying on Time?

The Quran is and will always be the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims. The Quran too contains many ayats that emphasize upon the importance and benefits of praying on time.
"Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times" (Quran 4:103). This ayat clarifies the establishment of specific times for specific prayers.
In addition to that, Allah also says in the Quran "Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind)" (Quran 2:238). This ayat highlights the importance of prayers and being devout with them, which naturally includes praying on time.
Moreover, there is also a strict emphasis on the middle prayer, which is the Asr prayer. Hence, we should pay special attention to pray the Asr prayer on time to please Allah.
Furthermore, Allah also says "And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember" (Quran 11:114). This again validates the timings of Salah and the fact that praying Salah on time washes away our sins.
Lastly, Allah also asks us to treat Salah as our guidance. He says, "O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient" (Quran 2:153). This is another significant benefit of praying Salah on time, as there is nothing more beneficial than having Allah’s guidance by our side.
How to Start Praying Salah on Time?

Here are some tips to help you start praying Salah on time consistently:
Tip 1- Use a Prayer App
In the age of smartphones, why not use a smartphone app to help you improve your Salah? There are many prayer apps on the market that you can use to track your prayers and remind yourself to pray on time everyday. One such app is Prayerly, which is a tried and tested app particularly designed to help Muslims be more consistent with their Salah.
Tip 2- Plan ahead
Plan ahead by knowing the prayer times for your location each day. Use a prayer timetable or a prayer app that notifies you of the prayer times. Set alarms a few minutes before each Salah to give yourself ample time to prepare and perform ablution, ensuring that you are ready when the prescribed time for each prayer begins.
Tip 3- Make dua
Ask Allah to help you pray Salah on time and with sincerity. Allah is the most Merciful and Forgiving, and He is always willing to help those who turn to Him in need.

Praying Salah on time is a duty, a privilege and a blessing for Muslims. It has many benefits for us both in this life and the hereafter.
It increases our chances of having our prayers accepted, guarantees us a house in paradise, erases our sins, improves our health and well-being, validates our other deeds and brings us closer to Allah.
Some of the key benefits of praying Salah on time practically highlight how observing Salah on time is not something that Allah needs from us, it is something we as His creation need for our well-being.
Therefore, it is in all of our best interests to always prioritize striving to pray on time with sincerity, concentration and devotion to enjoy its countless benefits both in this world and the next. This is why you should make sure to pray Salah on time, even if you are busy or feeling tired.
Remember, Allah is always with you, and He is always willing to forgive you. So, never give up as it’s still not too late to start praying Salah on time and reap its benefits.
Vocabulary List:
Mushaf: Arabic for a codex or collection of sheets, but also refers to a written copy of the Quran.
Rabb: Sustainer, Cherisher
Tilawa: Recitation of Quran
Azkaar: Repeated remembrance Of Allah
Hasanat: Credit for good deeds
Ayats: Verses
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